Monday, December 20, 2010

Dear Meredith...

Dear Meredith Melnick,
     I am a senior at Roncalli High School and I am doing my quarter project about you. My classmates and I had to choose and op-ed writer and blog about them. I have a few quetsions for you, so if you could respond to me at any time, it would be great. I was not able to find much about your background, so if you could tell me about some awards or achievements you are proud of, I would like to hear them.
    For my third blog, I had to pick one of you articles and say what a I thought about it. I chose the article, Where Does Fear Come From? (Hint: It's Not the Creepy Basement). I was interested in it becasue I'm currently taking psychology, where I'm learning about parts of the brain the cause us to react a certain way to situations. I was wandering if you had any related articles that I would also be interested in. Also, if there are any other articles you would like to send that are not related, but you think I may be interested- that is good with me.

She has not yet responded back to me, but if i hear anything i will post it. :)

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